About Me

Courtney Blair Astrologer

Forever fascinated by the unknown.

Mama, moon worshiper, shadow worker, astrologer and traumatized human making her way in the world.

I translate the language of the stars to help you step into your personal, divine power.

When I was exposed to an interpretation of my natal chart prior to my Saturn Return, my first thought was “Holy shit. It’s not all my alcoholism”

I found a resonate validation for my life struggles while also realizing that I wasn’t broken. I was made this way. My life purpose was laid out in the stars. My struggles. My edges. My gifts and the ways my soul intended to grow and heal in this life.

I’ve spent years deeply exploring the shadow side of the archetypes that dominate my chart. I continue to work to embody the healed and highest forms of those archetypes.

I am not a love and light astrologer. I am a guide into the shadowy realms of BE-ing. A porchlight beckoning you home and offering safety in the dark of the night.

The brightest stars emerge out of the blackest darkness and I cannot wait to see the brilliance of your shine.


I am an Evolutionary Astrologer and I have studied with Laura Nalbandian, Patricia Walsh and Rose Marcus at Soulwise Astrology School.

I currently serve as President of The Washington State Astrological Association. I previously served as Vice-President.

I am currently in practicum, studying with William Phipps, M.S. and Karen Kuenning, M.S. to become certified in the Healing Key Way protocol.

When we recognize our inherent value and step into our Gifts, the world becomes Magic.