What does your divine blueprint say?

Your natal chart is a snapshot of the sky above at the time and location of your birth. Each of the 12 zodiac signs are represented and together, with the celestial bodies, have a story to tell.

Your story.

An astrology consultation can provide much needed perspective on your life and soul mission. What are you here to do? What gifts do you have to share with the world? Your birth chart contains your soul’s intended path of evolution.

My approach to astrology is trauma-informed and I have a deep passion for working with survivors including people in recovery.

Whether you’ve struggled with addiction or codependency - or you just can’t see your path clearly - may the stars shine their light bright enough for you to recognize your inherent value, and motivate you to step out of the shadows and into your best life.   

“I believe our lives are not controlled by things out there in space, but are shaped by our own thought patterns. The planets only reflect what is going on - like a mirror. The planets do not cause things to happen to you. They simply reflect what is going on within you”

— Donna Cunningham